My parents were over visiting with us this weekend. My Dad and I were discussing how we wanted to move our hot tub from next to our back porch to out beneath a beautiful grove of trees in our yard. My Dad made the comment; "be sure you make a footpath or something going there, we're creatures of convenience and if it's not convenient for you to walk out there, you'll never use it." I thought about that for a moment, and realized he's absolutely right. It also struck a parallel with something I've been preaching for quite a while: you have to make it EASY for customers to BUY from you!
Yes, everyone loves a deal. And, in today's economy (I'm so sick of saying that!) people are looking for bargains even more than ever! However, think of your own purchasing habits. Do you go to several different places to buy your items or do you tend to shop where it's quick and convenient? I would venture to guess "quick and convenient" because your time is valuable. The old adage, time is money is as true today as it ever was.
Whether you're an online, catalog or brick & mortar business you have to make it convenient. I spend a great deal of time doing online research. I've run accross some fabulous products in the various nooks and crannies of cyber space. Many of the products, like supplements for example, may be less expensive than what I'm currently paying. However, there is no means of purchasing them conveniently at 11 pm. I go to a beautifully made website and decide on an item only to find that I have to call back during business hours and place on order over the phone or fax them my credit card information, or worse have to find a local dealer. Then, if I do actually go through the extra effort to call them during business hours in their time zone, much of the time I get an answering machine. Then they have to call me back, etc. It is not convenient to shop this way. Eventually we get sick of the phone tag and we buy our item elsewhere.
Why are companies like SmartPak (again using supplements & supplies as an example) so successful? Because their convenient to both shop with and use. You can buy right on line, call them and re-ordering is easy. Look at your own business practices. What would make it easier for your customers to buy from you? This holds true for all types of businesses, not just horse supplies. Yesterday I got a call from a horse trainer client of ours who sells alot of high end show horses. We recently completely revamped her website and all her marketing. We made it extremely easy for people to A) find and reach her B) see and inquire about what she had available C) Buy it. She called to thank me for convincing her to set her business up the way did. Not only is it easier for her regular training customers to pay her in a timely manner because she accepts credit cards and online payment, she sold a big dollar horse because of it! A key to success is making it easy and convenient to shop. Give us a call and we'll review what you're doing!
Yes, everyone loves a deal. And, in today's economy (I'm so sick of saying that!) people are looking for bargains even more than ever! However, think of your own purchasing habits. Do you go to several different places to buy your items or do you tend to shop where it's quick and convenient? I would venture to guess "quick and convenient" because your time is valuable. The old adage, time is money is as true today as it ever was.
Whether you're an online, catalog or brick & mortar business you have to make it convenient. I spend a great deal of time doing online research. I've run accross some fabulous products in the various nooks and crannies of cyber space. Many of the products, like supplements for example, may be less expensive than what I'm currently paying. However, there is no means of purchasing them conveniently at 11 pm. I go to a beautifully made website and decide on an item only to find that I have to call back during business hours and place on order over the phone or fax them my credit card information, or worse have to find a local dealer. Then, if I do actually go through the extra effort to call them during business hours in their time zone, much of the time I get an answering machine. Then they have to call me back, etc. It is not convenient to shop this way. Eventually we get sick of the phone tag and we buy our item elsewhere.
Why are companies like SmartPak (again using supplements & supplies as an example) so successful? Because their convenient to both shop with and use. You can buy right on line, call them and re-ordering is easy. Look at your own business practices. What would make it easier for your customers to buy from you? This holds true for all types of businesses, not just horse supplies. Yesterday I got a call from a horse trainer client of ours who sells alot of high end show horses. We recently completely revamped her website and all her marketing. We made it extremely easy for people to A) find and reach her B) see and inquire about what she had available C) Buy it. She called to thank me for convincing her to set her business up the way did. Not only is it easier for her regular training customers to pay her in a timely manner because she accepts credit cards and online payment, she sold a big dollar horse because of it! A key to success is making it easy and convenient to shop. Give us a call and we'll review what you're doing!